Six Essentials Every Denver Mom Needs for a Comfortable Med-Free Hospital Stay

If you’re planning a med-free birth in Denver I have something you’re going to love! 


I’m talking about packing your hospital bag, but this isn’t an ordinary list.

This is one crafted JUST FOR Denver Moms planning a med-free or natural birth.

Most mom’s I work with wish they had packed less baby clothes or diapers (spoiler alert: the hospital has all the diapers you’ll need) and more options for comfort or pain management during labor.

Ready to get started? Let’s make sure your bag is packed with everything you need to feel empowered during your med-free birth.

Baby toes shine in the sunlight during a newborn lifestyle photo shoot in Denver Colorado

First, bring plenty of snacks and your favorite beverages.

There are a few things you’ll want to make sure you have on hand to keep your energy up during labor.

Pack snacks that are high in protein and easy to eat on the go, like granola bars or nuts. You’re going to need all of the energy you can get. You’ll also want to bring along a water bottle or two, as staying hydrated is key during labor. Also consider bringing Liquid IV or something else to replenish electrolytes.


Clothing- for YOU! For natural birth in Denver, you want to pack items that will keep you comfortable and relaxed.

It’s always a good idea to have a few changes of laboring clothes with you in case your labor goes longer than expected. After all, you never know what might happen during childbirth!

There are a few things you can bring to the hospital to help make your natural birth more comfortable and relaxed. Consider bringing a loose-fitting nightgown or robe. This will help you stay comfortable during labor, and it will also make it easier for nurses and doctors to check your progress (if you choose).

Did you know that you don’t have to wear the hospital gown? Many moms decline the gown and go for something more comfortable instead. I picked up a great alternative robe (that was MUCH more comfortable and practical) at Mamahood in Denver when I attended a birth class there.

Comfort Items

Bring some washcloths and towels, as well as a small bottle of unscented lotion. These can be used to wipe your face and body during labor, and the lotion can be used to keep your skin from getting too dry.

Also, pack a small case with any essential oils or other relaxation techniques that you want to use during labor. This could include a diffuser and some lavender oil, or a positive affirmations deck. 

My favorite comfort item at the hospital was my own pillow with a silk pillowcase.


Pain Management

Most hospitals have peanut balls and other items for support throughout the labor process. You’ll want to check with your hospital to see what they have on hand.

Some moms I’ve worked with that had natural births brough a comb to squeeze in their hand during labor, a massage gun for their back, or ice packs for cooling off.  These items can come in handing when figuring out how to best cope through your contractions.

A mother and father hold their newborn at a newborn lifestyle photography session in Denver Colorado

Breastfeeding items

You may want to bring a nursing pillow: This will help you to position your baby correctly while breastfeeding, nursing pads to absorb leakage and help to keep your clothing dry. and lanolin cream which can be used to soothe sore nipples.

If you have a breast pump, you can also bring that and have the nurses or lactation consultant show you how to use it properly.

By packing these items in your hospital bag, you’ll be prepared to start breastfeeding as soon as your baby is born!


Next, if you’re having a water birth, make sure to pack a top that can get wet or a swimsuit.

Water births can provide a more relaxed birth experience. Some Denver hospitals offer the option to labor, or even deliver, in the tub. If you’re planning on having a water birth, there are a few things you’ll need to bring with you to the hospital.

Consider bringing a swimsuit. You’ll also need a large towel to dry off after the birth, and a small towel to place under your head while you’re in the tub.

Don’t forget to bring your hypnobirthing audio or other calm meditations you might want to listen to during labor!


And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a Denver hospital or newborn photographer, I’d love to chat with you about documenting your baby’s arrival and growth!


Newborn Photography, photo of the photographer holding her camera and smiling


Hey, Mama. I’m so glad you found me. Whether you’re newly pregnant, anxiously awaiting Baby’s arrival, or navigating that postpartum daze, I’ve been where you are now… and guess what? As much as I try to hold on to it, it’s slowly slipping from my memory.

When you’re in the thick of motherhood, it’s difficult to find time to pause and soak it in. I’m here to help you savor and preserve your story of motherhood- to give you a keepsake of moments that you can hold onto forever.