A baby sleeps in a crib, his face visible through crib slats. Denver newborn lifestyle photographer

Ways Denver Moms Can Prepare for their Newborn: PART 2

6. Navigating Denver with Your New Baby

Just because you’ve got a mini-me in tow doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the best of Denver.

First things first, invest in a good stroller. Find a stroller that’s comfy for your little one, easy for you to maneuver, and rugged enough to handle Denver sidewalks.

Denver is full of baby-friendly places that you’ll love too. Our parks are a great starting point – they’re perfect for leisurely strolls, and they’ve got those oh-so-important diaper changing stations.

My personal favorite place in Denver to take your baby? Tumblehaus! Tumblehaus is a safe indoor play area for babies and toddlers, with both a bar and a coffee area for mom (or dad!)

If you’re into yoga or looking to get into it, there are some great mom and baby classes in Denver too. Check out yoga at the Mama ‘hood Denver. It’s a great way to get some exercise, bond with your baby, and meet other moms.

Exploring Denver with your baby isn’t just about getting out of the house. It’s about making memories, experiencing new things together, and showing your baby the world – starting with our little corner of it. Trust me, the fresh air, the change of scenery, and the adventures you’ll experience are all worth it!

7. Local Support for Denver Moms

This journey of motherhood, it’s not something you have to do alone! In fact, it’s way more fun when you have people to share it with.

There’s an army of fellow moms right here in Denver who are ready to join forces with you. You’ve just got to find them.

So where do these moms hang out?

I actually wrote an entire post about how to find mom friends in Denver. Check it out here!

Start with your local community center or rec center. They usually host mom-and-baby meetups where you can chat about everything from diaper brands to sleep schedules while your little ones play. Nothing beats an in-person heart-to-heart with another mom who gets it.

But what if getting out and about isn’t in the cards?

There are plenty of online communities full of Denver moms just like you. Facebook groups, Instagram pages, even Reddit threads – there’s a wealth of information, advice, and support out there.

Libraries are a great place to check out because they often have Storytime sessions for little ones. You get to meet other moms, and your kiddo gets entertained!

The importance of having mom friends can’t be overstated. It’s about more than just having someone to vent to when your baby won’t sleep or your toddler throws a tantrum in the supermarket (although that’s pretty important too). It’s about shared experiences, mutual support, and growing together as parents!

8. Hospital Bag: It’s More Than Just Socks and Snacks

First things first, you’re gonna want the essentials. Yes, socks and snacks make the cut. Trust me, hospital floors are cold and hospital food… well, it leaves something to be desired. But there’s so much more you’ll want to pack.

Next up, baby gear. You’ll need an outfit for your little one, a swaddle blanket, and don’t forget the car seat. Hospitals won’t let you leave without one, and you don’t want to be stuck shopping online in the recovery room!

Of course, we can’t forget about you, mama. Pack a comfy outfit for your trip home, toiletries, and any medication you might need. Bringing your favorite pillow and blanket from home can make a huge difference in your comfort during your stay. Also make sure to include your favorite lip balm because hospital air can be drying.

Remember, your hospital bag is more than just a bag; it’s your lifeline to comfort and sanity during your hospital stay. So pack wisely and don’t skimp on those homey touches!

9. Planning to Introduce Pets to Your Newborn

Okay, I know you’ve been thinking about this one!

How is your four-legged friend, going to react to the new family addition?

First off, let me share my own experience. Our Saint Bernard mix, Argus, acted so strange when we brought our twins home. He sniffed us all over (probably smelling all sorts of interesting smells from the hospital) and then he stood at the foot of the couch staring at the babies all evening- and shaking! With fear or excitement, we’re not really sure, but we were glad we had read up on how to introduce him to our new family members.

Each pet is unique. So, while one pet may adjust quickly, another might need a little more time and that’s perfectly okay. The key is patience, and yes, a lot of it!

But here’s some advice: before the baby arrives, try to gradually decrease the attention you give your pet. I know it sounds a bit harsh, but it’s to avoid a sudden shift in attention when the baby comes.

Once the baby is here, slowly introduce your pet to the baby’s scent by letting them sniff baby’s clothes or blanket before you get home from the hospital.

And don’t forget, safety first. Have the babies on an elevated surface at first so your pet can get used to them from afar. Never leave your newborn alone with the pet. It’s all new to them too, and it will take time for everyone to adjust.

Now, if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, and I don’t blame you, there are local pet training classes in Denver! They’re fantastic for providing extra guidance and helping to smooth out this introduction process. Plus, it’s a great excuse to meet other pet-loving parents in town!

The pet-baby introduction is an incredible journey filled with cute moments that will melt your heart. Trust me, the sight of your fur baby and your real baby becoming best buddies will be worth all the effort!

10. Hire your newborn (and/or birth) photographer!

No surprise that I’m going to add this to the list right?

This is not just about capturing cute baby pictures, it’s about freezing those precious moments in time and creating tangible memories that will take you back to the early days of parenthood (the good parts anyway 😉 )

A skilled newborn photographer knows how to capture the delicate details, the overwhelming love, and the pure magic that surrounds your little bundle of joy and this sweet chapter of life.

Whether you’re interested in more casual, in-home newborn photos or fine art portraits, there are so many talented photographers in Denver that can serve you well.

Click here to read more about finding a newborn photographer in Denver

So, go ahead, add “Hire a Newborn Photographer” to your list (I know a great one 😉 )

Friend, Your dedication to preparing and loving your baby even before their arrival shows what an amazing mom you’re going to be!

I hope this blog post has offered you some unique and new ideas on how to prepare for your newborn in Denver!

If you want to learn more about the style of newborn photography that might be right for you, see this blog post!

Want to see more of my newborn photography? Click here!


Newborn Photography, photo of the photographer holding her camera and smiling


Hey, Mama. I’m so glad you found me. Whether you’re newly pregnant, anxiously awaiting Baby’s arrival, or navigating that postpartum daze, I’ve been where you are now… and guess what? As much as I try to hold on to it, it’s slowly slipping from my memory.

When you’re in the thick of motherhood, it’s difficult to find time to pause and soak it in. I’m here to help you savor and preserve your story of motherhood- to give you a keepsake of moments that you can hold onto forever.